Starting Out...
Below are our articles on the subject of Starting Out. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...
Artwork Preparation and Equipment You May Need
An article advising on good preparation for the budding artist prior to starting an artwork....
Building Confidence
There is a tendency for beginner artists, and even very well seasoned artists, to approach the artwork over tentatively. The desire to produce the best work possible…...
Collage, Paper on Paper
An overview of the term 'collage' for the beginner artist....
Keeping a Sketchbook
An overview of sketchbook practice...
'Loosening' Exercises
To further build confidence in your drawing skills there are a number of 'loosening' exercises that can be easily tried alone or in a group. The purpose of these…...
Producing a Finished Work
An article addressing the issue over whether how best to know when an artwork is finished aimed at the budding artist....
Understanding the Art World
An article relating to the practicalities of becoming an artist in an art world dominated by financial interests....
Ways of Viewing
Drawing and painting are about observing, seeing and communicating information. At one time drawing and painting were the most advanced ways of communicating data from…...
What is Drawing?
A discussion as to the nature of drawing....
What is Painting?
A guide to painting for the beginner painter....